Wednesday, December 22, 2010

something yummy!

As it stands right now I'm supremely hungover, which shouldn't surprise you considering I'm now on holidays. However, I thought I'd share again for you all a new cocktail I whipped up recently.

The inspiration for this decadent treat came from my favorite blog, the cocktail chronicles. It's a twist on their Stone Fruit Sour. Enjoy! :)

Fruit Sour

3/4 oz Gin
3/4 oz Lillet Blanc
3/4 oz Peach Liqeur
3/4 oz lemon juice
2 dashes orange bitters

using a mixing glass add all ingredients
then add ice and shake for 10 seconds
pour into a chilled cocktail glass. Yum!

Friday, December 17, 2010

the madness

there are days when I try and decipher the meaning of my existence as a means to something. i want to exhibit qualities that better demonstrate the need and desire of good but...

the energy it takes for a person to look inwards while trying to understand what they see can be excruciating. you only see what you want to see and that's the problem.

deciding to buy that suitcase in the window can be a problem. what will you fill it with?, travelling while lost can be pointless. save your money and buy a bike, a smoke and sip away your sorrows.

the nerve of someone telling you to sit through their kids christmas concert is madness. the kid hates you and they surely hate having me there. be nice and send flowers.

asking someone where they bought that t-shirt is like saying "hey can I dress like you?" be nice and original. go shopping.

i wanna see if there are any kids out there as nuts as i am, that way I'll take pictures of them now before they realize how nuts they are. hehe! suckers!

there are days when all I want to wear is angora...hmm?

in the end all you need is a cookie.

Monday, December 13, 2010

you, me and 53

when I was 6 I dreamt it would be me
I'd be on the top
you on my right
you on my left
me on top
wave and say goodbye

you taught me so much
stand tall boy
never look down and
run run run
look forward
never back
stand tall

training was endless
me, you, us and 53
all together
fused as one
championships came
we succeeded

I still want more

once in a lifetime dreams come by with nothing but a whisper next to your eye

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

the last chapter

here's another entry of something I started working on a few years back.

No. 13
To describe the most prominent and relevant events of one's life can be somewhat rewarding and painful. For some, looking back on certain moments can be a pleasure to revel in what they have accomplished and achieved or left behind. Not for me however as I've done many things in my life, of which most we're wrong, evil, bad or whatever you want to call it. I know this and I accept it, that's why I'm here in this cell. But if there ever was one moment in my life where I knew that things we're "right" or "good", it was when I met her. Alessandra was her name and boy did I go gaga. My father had a saying he used to say to me that always comes to mind when I think of that first encounter with her, "Son you may be rich and have all this and that, but at the end of the day if you have no one to share it with, what's the point to anything, so find a good girl and love her unfailingly, with all your heart". I hate to admit it, my father had a point. He was right then and he's right now, I only wish I would have taken his advice and not screwed up things so much.

Fuck I hate this! My mind is so cluttered with emotions and passions that have been kept locked up for so many years that dealing with them has rendered me almost incapacitated. I only have 2 1/2 weeks left before my execution and all I can do is write. I can't eat, I've lost nearly 15 pounds over the last month, I can't sleep, I can't do anything, all I do is think. I want to get this out of me before it's too late. My heart needs me to.

Even now I remember that day as if it were yesterday. Alessandra had locked eyes with me as I was passing Pedro in his study. I'd been at his mansion for weeks now and had never even heard or seen of her. Her radiant beauty caught me and stilted my soul. I'd never felt that way about anything, to have this feeling of "I'd do anything for you" rushing up from my toes to my head made me feel, to be blunt almost lightheaded. As Pedro continued on to his study I stopped and stared at her, as she did to me. At the time I was almost 23 and starting to finally enjoy my appearance, which of late had been the appearance of a randy haired boy with the odd bit of facial hair in the worst possible places. But at that moment I didn't care, I just reacted and moved forward. She had the air of someone much older than her age, I presumed her to be around 17 or 18, but I didn't care, she was an ageless angel to me.

As I write this, I can only look back and realize my youthful exuberance. Boy I had it bad for her at that moment. I do realize that it was just a moment, but to me it was the best and longest moment of my life. And seriously isn't that really what life is?, a series of moments put together to form a life. Whatever you want to call it, I just love remembering my unjaded self. Life really is a bitch and it can certainly fuck you up, even to the point of where you give up. I'm trying desperately not to do that right now, even if my life has no meaning anymore. Remembering is all I have, all I can live for, I need to continue doing it or there will be no reason to live on these last few days.

Continuing on with my life's most memorable moment, Alessandra moved with me as we continued to get closer. I just wanted to hear her voice, to see how she moved her lips and everything else. However, like most things we want in life, we have to be patient and that's just what happened to me then. For Pedro came by my side and called me to come with him, something urgent had happened. Worst timing ever! But just as he was pulling my away, I continued to look at her, hoping to never leave her gaze. I said goodbye, wishing she would say the same, but she said nothing. She just walked away, smiling.

When she was out of site, Pedro who had noticed my admiration with his niece immediately took instant action to let me know how he felt about it. She was to be off limits, no questions asked. She had been promised for another. I was left reeling, like I'd been hit with a ton of bricks, with the words off limits and taken resonating in my mind over and over.
This wasn't the end of it.
It couldn't be.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

An Alternative Landscape

Having just read and connected to two very poignant articles about the early 90's grunge movement, I've been brought on to feel a wonderful sense of nostalgia as I remember fond and vivid accounts of my early musical discoveries. Looking back on those years, 1990-95 respectively, I'm quickly reminded of bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice and Chains, Jane's Addiction, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots and the Smashing Pumpkins. Bands who's rise powered a new generation of fans as they also helped (thankfully) usher in the death of Guns n' Roses and 80's heavy metal rock. A new guard was emerging and I was front and centre for it all. It was a great time to be a kid and new music lover. Back then you had walkmans (and I actually walked...yes kids did that once), shitty black spongy headphones and cassette tapes. Ahh cassette tapes oh how I miss thee. Making mix tapes was the best. It was a time where spending saturday afternoons in record stores meant something. You wanted to be that kid who knew everything about music. It was also a time where if you supported Nirvana then you had to hate Pearl Jam. EWW WAIT did I just write all that? ugh I am getting old, that was almost 20 years ago. Yikes! (sigh). Okay well you get my point.

Anyways...these references and my sudden ageism aside, I'm moved to remind myself of some of the feelings and moments with which I associate these artists. For example, when the words "Nirvana" first enter my psyche, even to this day, I'm still brought back to one singular event. I'm 12 years old, naive as shit and playing dodgeball at school when all of a sudden I hear 3 girls in my class screaming full tilt to "come as you are" as it was being played by their ghetto blaster. Freaked out by what I was seeing and hearing at the time, this lasting image gives me much pleasure as I tend to believe this introduction was somewhat quite fitting for the type of band Nirvana were to become. Their jump onto the national music scene in 91' with their album "Nevermind" brought with it much attention and vigor that kids of all ages (except me) couldn't help but join along for the ride. I must profess however, that for all the praise Nirvana received for their music it wasn't until recently that I became a fan. Back then I was so jaded by their constant in your face bravado that I tried my hardest to hate everything Nirvana, even going so far as to never listening to their music. (Actually I just thought it would be cool to be the only kid who DIDN'T like Nirvana in some vein attempt at being original thinking it would somehow make me more interesting to the girls in my class. Didn't work. Fuck!) Looking back on my short sidedness now, I laugh at how juvenile I was (really what sane kid wants to be different in elementary school? You want to FIT IN not be different, ugh what was I thinking?) in my handling of their fame and musical popularity. In fact, I actually enjoy their music, as I've found myself quite often playing it repeatedly.

As for Pearl Jam, instantly I'm brough back to being in my step dad's basement. I'm sitting there on the sofa with my older sister and two brothers as we watched in awe as Eddie Vedder lost his mind while singing "Jeremy" at lollapalooza. At that moment all I wanted to be was a rock star, it seemed so fun and cool. Wait a second....IT STILL IS! Why oh why didn't I learn to play the guitar? Grrr...stupid me. STUPID!!! (Sigh) As for Soundgarden, well I'm always brought back to my brother and I in his stupid 82' firebird (what a piece of shit that thing was), as the two of us sing along to "fell on black days". A simple reminder but a good one.

However, coupled with these references and many others I'm left to wonder. Had it not been for my older siblings would I have been so in tune to the early 90's musical landscape? Hmm? Maybe. Maybe not. But what it does tell me is that I was one lucky sob to have been able to actually understand (well at least somewhat) this time period. So if you weren't in tune or alive then well...ha ha!

Not much else to say here, however, do throw me some comments if you'd like to add to this or if you have any thoughts or memories to share.


ps. here's the link to those articles if you're interested in reading on further.

pps. For the record, the Smashing Pumpkins "Siamese Dream" is the seminal album of that time period, nothing can touch it.

Monday, November 29, 2010

the bond

the following is an excerpt from something I'm working on. enjoy!

Jack and Michael start parading around the Odeon looking for people they know or recognize. Jack eventually goes to the bathroom, ultimately leaving Michael alone. He’s standing by the upstairs bar when he’s approached by someone from behind who taps him on the shoulder)

Ashley: Hey Michael is that you?
(Michael startled)
Michael: Oh hey, what’s up? (Doesn’t recognize her)
Ashley: How are you? You look great; I haven’t seen you in so long, what have you been up to?
Michael: Oh not much, just chillin’, working at the Freehouse.
Ashley: You don’t remember me do you? I’m Ashley, your Aunt Hilary’s husband’s daughter; I’m your sort of cousin. I know it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other, but I thought you would have remembered me.
(Michael realizes that he does remember her, barely from some family thing 10 or so years ago)
Michael: Oh hey I’m sorry, I did and do, you just caught me off guard that’s all, I remember now, sheesh it’s got to be what 10 years or so since I last saw you. Didn’t your family move to Vancouver or something?
Ashley: Oh we did, we’re still there, I’m just back for the weekend visiting some friends and family.
Michael: Cool, well that sounds great, who are you here with?

(Jack returns, he sees Michael talking to Ashley, he notices that she’s really hot and somewhat happy to be talking to Michael. Jack smiles slyly, he takes his time walking over to them)

Ashley: Oh I’m here with my friends Megan, Jen and Katie, they’re around here somewhere. They dragged me out tonight, they’re all huge Black Rebel fans, me I could care less, plus we were up late last night having a big girls night, so in a way I feel like shit. I’m still trying to decide if I even want to drink at all tonight.
Michael: It’s funny that you say that, because my best friend Jack did the very same thing to me tonight, he’s around here as well...

(Jack jumps in when he hears his name being said, the two of them startled by his sudden arrival)

Jack: Michael what are you saying about me to this pretty girl?, it had better be nice or I’ll have to embarrass you like by saying that you used to cry after watching The Little Mermaid.
Michael: What? No wait a second, I was what 11 at the time and hey that’s nothing to be laughing about, that’s a good movie, at least I don’t watch the Notebook and cry like a little sissy.
Ashley: Well I can certainly tell that this must be your evil friend Michael, the banter is great boys and hi I’m Ashley, and you must be...
Jack: Jack, Jack Bones.
Ashley: Is that really your name?
Jack: Sure is darlin’, ain’t it majestic.
Michael: You’re such a fag.
Jack: What? Moi, never, I just have a certain panache that unfolds from time to time, something the ladies like to call charm.
Michael: Whatever you call it, cool it, you’re going to scare Ashley off, you know she’s kind of my cousin, well second cousin that is, through marriage.
Jack: Oh so you're part of the family are you Ashley? Excellent! I can always use another girl on my side of the fence to help me flirt with the next cutie on my list.

(Michael is now looking at Jack very annoyingly)

Michael: Uh sorry Ashley, he hasn’t had his medicine tonight.
Jack: Oh whatever, your life would be so boring if I wasn’t this charming and unique.
Michael: Really? You think so? Then if that’s the case why are you still single? Because surely a man of your considerable talents can coax any young girl into your arms; or maybe, just maybe is it that you may be a little high on yourself for good reason.
Ashley: Ohh I love this, you two fight like a married couple.
Michael: We do not!
Ashley: Hey don’t worry, I like it, it’s cute.
Jack: You see Michael, she said I was cute, told you so.
Michael: She didn’t say you fuck head, she meant us.
Jack: Oh, Oops, silly me.
Michael: Anyways, Ashley do you want to hang with us for a bit?
Ashley: Sure, you two seem awesome, I love hanging with fun people.
Michael: Awesome, well then let’s get some shooters, I need to get going.
Jack: Hey bro no jagermeister, I’m sick of that shit, get some jamesons instead.
Michael: What? Come with us you bitch, we’re not your maids.
Jack: But I think I might stick around here and watch the opening band finish.
Michael: Fuck that, get over here you baby, we’re just doing some shots, you can watch them from at the bar.
Jack: No, just bring them over here, why do you need me to come with you guys, plus you two are family you need time getting re-acquainted.
Michael: Just come on.
Ashley: Yeah Jack come with us, it’ll be fun, I’ll even buy the drinks.
Jack: You’ll buy, well then why didn’t you say so, let’s bogie on then.
Michael: Oh now you’ll come, fuck you drive me nuts sometimes.
Jack: I must be the only pair you have, ah how sad.
Ashley: You two really are married, I love it.
Michael: If that’s true then I’m about ready to divorce this bitch.
Jack: I ain’t the bitch, you are, I’m the giver, you’re the taker ala Jake Gyllenhal in Brokeback Mountain, mmm you are one fine piece of ass.
Michael: Gross, quit it.

(Michael, Jack and Ashley arrive at the bar and wait in line, they wait 2 minutes and then order shots and drinks, Ashley pays for them all, not without Michael trying to pay for some, Jack stands by and collects his free beverage. They do a round of shots together)

Jack: Ah now I feel better, good choice on the shots Ashley, what were they?
Michael: Uh fuck head they were Sicilian kisses and she didn’t pick them, I did.
Ashley: Yeah Jack, sorry to disappoint you but Michael picked them, but I’m happy to pick the next round if you’d like.
Jack: Word on that, because it sounds like a certain someone has his panties in bunch.
Michael: Uhh whatever, let’s go, I think we’re in the way. (others are trying to order)
Jack: Finally! Let’s go down below and try to get close to the stage, I want to watch them as close as I can.
Michael: You’re not going to lose it and do that jumping up and down dancing bs you always do are you?
Jack: Whatever do you mean?
Michael: I mean that kangaroo up and down thing you do when you’re listening to music.
Ashley: Ah that sounds cute.
Jack: See Michael, Ashley thinks it’s cute, so layoff, at least I’m willing to have fun.
Michael: Hey I like to have fun, I’m just trying to prevent you from looking like an idiot, at least I can dance, what you do, that ain’t dancing.
Jack: Oh really, well first off when was the last time you went to a show? What 10 years ago, and I’ve been to how many? At least a hundred, so let’s just keep those yap comments to yourself, I know what I’m doing and I love having fun, you should try it sometime.
Ashley: Boys, boys no need to get angry at one another, let’s just go down there and have a good time, actually I think I see my girl friends down there, so come on
Michael: We’re not fighting
Jack: No, were good girl, we're just talking, this is how we always talk.
Ashley: Well it sounded like fighting to me.
Michael: Oh sorry Ashley, no that’s just Jack and I ripping on another, it’s how we talk, I guess, basically we just bitch at one another until someone changes the subject.
Ashley: Oh, okay; are you sure you two aren’t married?
Jack: Eww, me marry this monkey armed bitch hip punk, gross, he wishes I’d get down and suck his cock.
Michael: Okay Jack whatever, no need to gross out Ashley now
Jack: Why not, it’s fun.
Ashley: Oh I think I’m going to love you Jack.
Jack: They all do sweetie, they all do.

(Michael looks away in disgust; they all move down to the stage and meet up with Ashley’s friends)

Jack: Fuck Yeah! This shit is awesome, I love it, aren’t you guys excited.
Ashley: Hey girls, this is Jack and his friend Michael; Michael’s my cousin, I ran into them at the bar.

(There’s 3 girls, Megan, Jen and Katie; Jack and Michael size them up)

Jen: Oh hey guys, how’s it going?
Michael: Oh good, just chillin’, waiting for Black Rebel to come on
Jack: Have you girls been up here by the stage the whole time?
Megan: Not that long, maybe 20 minutes, I’m a huge fan of Black Rebel’s, so I didn’t want to miss them coming out.
Ashley: Yeah that’s when I went to the washroom and met up with you guys, like I was telling Michael before I’m not that big a fan, or should I say I’m not that familiar with their music.
Jack: Shit girl you're crazy, this band is fucking awesome, I can’t wait, it’s good to see some girls like myself excited for this show (looking at the other girls, then Megan), what was your name again?
Megan: Megan
Jack: Well Miss Megan, I say just for that how about you and I go get ourselves a shot or two, you down?
Megan: Sure am.
Jack: you girls want to come too? (looking at Katie and Jen)
Jen: Sure.
Katie: Sure, let’s bogie.
Jack: Did you just say bogie?
Katie: Yeah why?
Michael: Oh that’s Jack's favourite word, he uses it all the time, I can’t believe you haven’t heard him say it already.
Katie: Really?, that’s your favourite word?
Jack: Sure is darling’, I love zat word, it's so much fun to say
Ashley: Cute
Michael: Don’t you mean dork?
Katie: Come on Jack let’s bogie and get those shots you’ve offered up for us
Jack: Say bogie again
Katie: Bogie, bogie, bogie
Jack: Yeah!!! I love it!
Ashley: Okay sorry Michael but so cute

(All the girls blush at Jack’s assumed childishness and giddy, Michael wants to puke. Jack grabs the three of them and leads them on to the bar, Ashley and Michael stay back)

Ashley: Okay so I have to ask, how long have you two been friends?
Michael: What me and Jack?, oh about since we were 10, so close to 20 years I guess, why?
Ashley: Oh no reason, you two are just so cute together that’s all, he’s pretty fun to be around
Michael: Yeah he’s pretty cool, he drives me nuts sometimes, but yeah he’s fun, wild especially when he’s around a big group, he loves entertaining people. Plus concerts are his thing, he loves this shit, me I’m more laid back than he is, don’t get me wrong I love to party, but well not as nuts as he does.

hello there...

I was doing some digging for a story I'm working on when I came across this. It's my speech from my big sis' wedding in august 2006. Sentimental and cheesy as it may be I still love re-reading it. However, it pains me to see how bad a writer I was...yuk! Anyways, read on if you wish to barf. lol


Good evening everyone, I trust you all are having a wonderful time tonight as we celebrate the union of two very special people, Jennifer and Kelly. My name is Jamie Mah and to mark this special occasion I wanted to share with you all a few words on how Jennifer and Kelly have become a source of inspiration to me.  Being that Jennifer is my older sister let's just say I've come to know her well, she's truly a marvel, she's what I love about this world.  She's this beautiful woman who loves life, who works hard for the things she wants, who is passionate, loving and most of all focused. But what I love most about my older sister is that she knows what's important in life and that's family and the ones who mean the most to you.  And what a better way to demonstrate her passion for life than tonight.  My sister is the smartest girl in the world as she's picked the best man in the world.  Kelly you are such a wonder that being around you is somewhat awe inspiring.  You're strong, supremely intelligent, passionate and most of all loving.  However, your best quality lies souly in your love for my sister and even though I've seen you two build upon this love for 10 years now it wasn't until this past January when I really saw how much you loved my sister. On that night you sent me this honest and truly beautiful email about her.  And I quote "I love Jen and all I want is to be with her, and have a future with her. I want kids and a long life with her beside me".  Wow!! I mean that says it all, and speaking from experience any man who can handle my sister when she wants something has got to be great, I even get shivers when I hear those 3 letters together, the truly masterful "Kel".  I mean that right there is love, in it's simplest form.  Love is love people, it's that simple, you know it when you have it, you feel it, and seeing you two together this evening we've all been blessed to share in your love.  I celebrate this love and I commend you both on taking this next step in life as it's a big one, to unite this love under God in front of us all is magical, and I can only imagine how great your future together will be. With that said will you all join me in raising you glasses in toasting Jennifer and Kelly, two truly loving people.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I share...again

It's november, I've got a moustache and well fuck it, I say it's time to drink some heavy full flavoured cocktails. Here's one I made up a few days ago that passed the "hey guys try this" test.

I likey and so should you.


knob creek 1 1/2oz
sweet vermouth 1/2oz
lillet blanc 1/2oz
blackberry liqeur 1/4oz
orange bitters a few dashes

pour all ingredients in a mixing glass
add ice
garnish with whatever you want but I like an orange twist

Yum! :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

NBA thoughts...

a few thoughts (nba related) that have me thinking.

- the lakers past 2 losses shouldn't cause much of a panic. The suns needed all 22 of their 3's to get past LA, a feat I doubt even they could replicate. LA stayed close throughout, dominating the glass while shredding Phoenix's interior defence. Kobe, Pau and Lamar played great as did Shannon who I must note has played exceptionally great this season. A few minor adjustments in rotations and all should return to form for LA. This 3 game roady should do wonders for team chemistry, especially for all the new guys. Let's just hope Drew and Theo can return sooner rather than later.

- The suns are way better than even I had expected, they play hard, they mesh cohesively and can shoot lights out when all is clicking. However, that being said I still believe that if they continue as is they'll still only hold a 6-8th seed out west. Their bigs are few and far between, especially now that Lopez is out. If it were me I'd do the unthinkable and trade Nash now while he still has game. Package him with someone and ship him out for a young stud and a few picks. This suns team is young and in no position to contend now, nor in the forseable future. Getting something for Nash now would do wonders for their future but hey that's just me.

- Look out but the Spurs to me are the most underrated team in the league, posting a solid 8-1 mark so far has to be the most un-talked about story of year so far. With their savy vets leading way, I see them (if healthy) truly contending once again.

- The Hornets are for real now, but get back to me in 2 months, we'll see then if they can keep this up.

- Miami's fine, they'll pick it up soon, except I'd trade Bosh now, there's no way he can play with Wade and Bron, he needs touches to be effective.

- Amare's an idiot for leaving Phoenix and he's starting to realize it.

- I always knew Millsap was better than Boozer, he's a winner and he's sure proving me right. 46pts on the Heat...nice!

- I love Rose and D. Will's games so much that I'm having trouble sticking with Durant as my number 2 player.

Oh and 31, 31...Love is certainly in the air. Now if only he didn't play for Minnesota.

more later. :)

i am here

more is better isn't always true.
my family dynamic could be better
we fight
we scream
yet we still listen

there are 5 of us
she is one
we need to help
she helped us
once, twice...

I am here
far far away
I want to help
yet I cannot

my heart is dreaming of a day
when I can lift her up
tell her that all will be...

here sometimes I am
I am
I am

lonely hearts prevail over those who feel nothing

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Currently I can't help myself...

...but be reminded of a girl.

Let me recount for you a moment I like to remember.

It's February 2001, I'm 21 and a university track and field athlete. After 3 long days of competition, I'm tired and sitting on a bus riding home from Winnipeg. Luckily for me on this night I found myself sitting in an aisle seat next to a lovely girl named Lindsay, someone I'd had a crush on for quite sometime. Throughout our ride home she and I would talk, laugh and connect as we watched pretty boy Brad Pitt strut his manly self in the 50's style hollywood epic "Legends of the Fall". I'd decided beforehand to bring along a few movies for everyone to watch as I'd been sick of the same ones my coaches tended to bring, y'know which ones, Rudy and the like. As I was bringing out Legends to put in the VCR (yes I'm old, this happened a long time ago) Lindsay excitedly jumped as she'd been meaning to watch Legends for some time. Surprise, surprise. Good choice I guess.

Anyways, why I'm bringing this up is this,
one. I'm currently watching Legends this second and
two. when I do, it always brings me back to that day.

Mostly however, I just love thinking of myself sitting there with her and 55 others as we all watched this melodramadic little opus unfold. I remember the feeling I had as she and I curled up next to one another, our feet pushed up together into the seats in front of us, hands held tightly fully engaged. When I think back to that time I'm reminded of my naiive self, my youth and the purity I once shared with her. Back then that moment made me feel alive as though anything were possible.

Though we would never go on to date, let alone kiss, I'm reminded that for but a brief moment I shared something special with her. Fleeting as it may be now, I love bringing myself back to that time.

Monday, November 8, 2010


"I miss you tonight and I'm not sure what to say"

I want to share...:)

So now over the past few weeks I've been busy, very busy actually. Well really it's not that big a deal actually, I mean who isn't these days. I just thought I would say it to make my life sound more interesting, I mean who wants to read about a guy who is bored out of his mind writing drivel on his blog, oh wait.

Anyways, during that time I've spent countless hours tasting and researching cocktail ideas for my work as we've been preparing to launch a new winter menu. Exciting huh? "Yes Jamie it is, please tell me more, more dammit, more!!!!" Okay, okay hold your horses I'm getting there, sheesh! Kids these days, no patience anymore. Now where was I, oh yeah, well with the new menu FINALLY launching this coming tuesday, I thought I would do the same here and share for you all one of my star creations. (And the crowd goes fucking wild........yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!)

I created this martini years ago while getting 6 lovely (lovely is more of a subjective word here, passable is probably more accurate...wait who's writing this? shut up brain, tact goes out the window on this one) ladies drunk one boring night in toronto. Their enthusiasm and high alcohol stamina helped spirit my creative juices thus giving way to my ace in the hole girlie cocktail. As well, whenever I need a creative shot I always reach for this recipe.

It's easy to whip up and f'ing delicious. Savy.

Hello Kitty

Mix 1oz peach liquor
4 lemon wedge squeezes or 1/2oz lemon juice
splash of cranberry for colour
top with 2-3oz of sparkling wine
garnish with lemon twist


LCD Soundsystem - 45:33 (Part 2)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Yum yum burger time

Incase you didn't know, I like burgers. Just thought I'd get that out now. I mean who doesn't, they're delicious, chalk full of flavour, veggies, meat, carbs and loads of fat. What's not to like. Therefore, I've decided as of today to search for vancouver's best burger. Being the foodie city that it is, Vancouver's spawned a plethora of multicultural restaurants, many of whom excel in doing great burger fare. Now then, let's state the criteria.

1. I'll only be choosing from 10 restaurants. Some high end, some middle and some low, but all burger connoisseurs. I'll be choosing the 10 from referrals, reviews and simple burger buzz. If people love it, I'll try it.

2. I'll only be judging by one criteria, is it "yummy"? Simple.

3. That's it. Savy!

I'll be back shortly with my first victim, I mean burger. :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

thoughts and not much else

so i'm back...took me awhile but I finally have my computer. Don't ask why it took me so long, let's just say I'm a bad saver and leave it at that. Anyways, now that I'm fully loaded and ready to type I thought I would spew out some thoughts that have been resting ever so patiently in me noggin. As I've stated here before on said blog, I try my damndest to not write drivel, such prose that one could find or read anywhere. With that I implore you to enjoy.

- To cocktail or not to cocktail? hmm?
Unless you've been living under a rock for the past year or so, you'll have no doubt noticed the re-immergence of the cocktail as the drink of choice for many dinners. For most until recently going out meant having a glass of wine or a nice cold beer, but of late that trend of simplicity has shifted towards the mixology fare. No longer do business men crave that nice pint of lager but instead they'd prefer a strong old fashioned. I could go on and on with references but hey you get my point, well at least I hope you do. Anyway, interesting as this looks, I'm not going to try to decipher why this change has taken place as there are myriad reasons one could point towards, such as better bartending, prominent advertising, word or mouth or merely the idea that most are tired of the usual. Regardless, I just thought I'd point out this trend as I find it rather fascinating.

- Cheaper is better (at least I think so)
I like wine, just in case you didn't know already. With that let me tell you a little story. One day this summer I'm out with my brother in law about to buy some booze for the nights shenanigans. We're in the liquor store and I'm standing there with him looking ever so puzzled, as is the usual I'm indecisive as to what bottle of vino I should buy. I'd tried my fare share cheap shit lately so I was hoping to pick something new, exciting, maybe expensive as I'd wanted to expand my palate. So I buy a bottle and low and behold it sucks. It's over powering, tart and just blah. Fuck! I calm down and just chalk it up to buyers luck, the "you win some you lose some bs". Then a few weeks pass by and there I am again, in the same predicament trying to be clever once more, hoping this time to find a gem. I buy a bottle and once again I'm had, this one tasting ever worse then the previous. Am I mad? A little, more annoyed mostly. Fuck! So then you're now thinking, well what's up bud, that happens. Ahh but you see here lies the kicker (I had a point when I started this, hold tight), my friend goes out and buys a bottle for thanksgiving recently, it's cheap shit and f'ing great. Grrr!!! So I'm like what? Not fair. Here's my lesson for you all. Be cheap!

- What I've learnt so far
the lakers will win the title, lebron is the man in Miami and not dwade, durant's awesome but the thunder go as westbrook goes, amare will make a splash in nyc and that's it, the raptors suck and they won't win the no 1 pick, griffin's going to win the roy and do it quite convincingly, the celtics will start strong and finish long, I feel sorry for Yao and as for everyone else well you don't matter. my pics

title = lakers over boston in 6
mvp = durant, kobe 2nd, lbj 3rd
roy = b griffin
coach = sloan
exec = riley
defense = howard
improved = felton
6th = odom
all 1st = wade, kobe, durant, lbj, howard
all 2nd = dwill, paul, melo, gasol, amare,
all 3rd = nash, rose, pierce, bosh, duncan
all defence = kobe, rondo, artest, sefolosha, howard

more later...

Monday, October 4, 2010

let the games 2011 here we come (part 1)

Summer's over, the leaves are falling, turkey time is just around the corner which can only bring to mind one thing for me, it must be October. Ah october how I love thee, with your arrival you bring forth my true love of NBA basketball. Having watched my lakers win yet another championship this past june my excitement this coming season couldn't be any higher, and dare I say "three peat!". Fuck yeah I can and it's gonna happen or I'm out $1000 bucks to my buddie gronzi. (gulp!) go boys go!!

Anyway, as I had done previously at the start of last season, here are some of the storylines/predictions and such I see unfolding.

- The knee! The knee! The knee!
It all starts with the champs and my boy Kobe. After winning the title this past june, Kobe undoubtoubly took his bum right knee under the knife for a 3rd time in the past 7 seasons. Nooooo!! And even though his prognosis has been given a full 100% recovery I'm still nervous. Three surgeries in 7 seasons is a lot even for Kobe. He played great last season but at times you could see him struggling to find his explosiveness. Having hopefully cleaned up all the debris will his knee bring him back to his old self or will it cause him to lose another step? This has to be the top story going into this season as with where Kobe goes go the lakers. I'm optimistic he'll be fine and up to his old self in no time but...(crossing fingers now)

There's a new king in town and it isn't LBJ
Durantula! KD! KDThunderup! Whichever name you wanna call him, Kevin Durant is one bad mofo and he's now in my opinion the second best player in the league. He may be young but this kid is the real deal and he's gonna take over the league big time this year. I love his game and his maturity. Unlike that fake King in southbeach, this kid loves ballin' more than anything else, which only reminds me of other such kings like Kobe, Jordan, Bird, Magic and Russell. I'm expecting huge things from him this year and his young Thunderites. Stats like 33ppg, 7boards, 4dimes and 50/90/40 don't seem to unreasonable. The thunder are coming everyone and this kid's there man, jump ship and enjoy the ride.

Okay! Okay! Fine!...ladies and gentlemen I present for you the Miami BITCHES, um I mean Heat
yes, yes they're going to be good, they'll win a tonne of games and it'll be fun to watch them. I know this and so do you. Who'll lead them you ask, LBJ or Wade? It doesn't matter, they'll figure it out just like team USA did in Beijing, when push came to shove Kobe took over. Instincts will prevail and so will the better player. Will they win the title? Possibly. They have talent, a good roster and energy, but to be honest I just don't see it happening, well at least this season that is. I see too many variables and intangibles in their way, too many things have to go right for them to do it this year and in my gut I just don't see it.

A former laker great is now a Celtic! Am I reading this right?
Yeah it happened and Im not liking it one bit. Shaquille O'neal decided to do the biggest f. you to Laker nation by signing with its arch rival the Celtics. Now then, can he help them boys in beantown? Noooooooooooo!!! He's old, out of shape and old. He'll bring comedy, a few plays here and there but all in all his ship has sailed. Savy. This will be the season where Shaq will finally realize that he's no longer a factor in his teams success and that he should have retired with some dignity. Staying on for a chance at one more ring just so you can pass Timmy and stay par with Kobe is no way to cement your legacy. Face it Shaq, you had your chance and you blew it. You were great, you could've been the greatest but you chose to have fun. Grrr...go away!

A lockout is coming and this is why
When you see stupid owners and GM's giving the likes of Darko 20 mil, Joe Johnson 120 mil and Amir Johnson 34 mil all I want to do is SCREAMMMMMMMM!!!! Do these guys not watch any games? Have they not seen what's happened in the past when doling out this kind of money? Omg!! WTF!! What's most sad about all of this is us fans have to bear the brunt of their stupidity. When this season finishes and the collective bargaining agreement between the players union and the owners expires a lockout will commence. On one side the players union will fight for what they feel they deserve and to be honest who can blame them. How can owners complain about losing money when they have no problem throwing out numbers such as these to average players who are clearly undeserving. On the other side the owners will try to point out how revenues have dipped and that the players need to adjust with the times which I agree is true but then so do the owners. In the end what sucks most is as much as the players will fight they can't win. The owners have the money and that is that. And incase you haven't heard already most NBA players live cheque to cheque (I know, I know, WTF!!...AND IT'S TRUE, we found this out back in the lockout of 99') so in the end they'll eventually cave because if they don't they'll go broke. But before any of this can happen a fight must take place with us, the fans stuck in the middle as we see a season lost due primarily to owner stupidity. Not Fair! Fucking James Dolan I hate you, this is all your fault. Grrr!!!

more to come... :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

i force a smile

I'm driving along looking for your kind
Thinking one day I'll find what it all means
The next move might be to run away
There's no end in sight of what it all means
My energy and plight force me to wonder
Can I run and jump along like others do?
Do I force a smile and sit here waiting
These days life has no circle
This city has calling for me
Sometimes I wonder
Sometimes I dream
Sometimes I cry
All I want is to wave goodbye
I want to run away and I don't know why
Today is my end
Tomorrow I lay away

Can we lay together forever?
My hand lays here in the darkness
Your voice is in my ear
Will you come to me

We will never stop

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

open road

There you are one night, driving along that vast open road. She's there with you as well. You've been waiting for this moment your whole life. The pace of it all as you two drive this open road of life free and clear. She's asleep now, her face nuzzled gently next to yours. She's peaceful now, her eyes are shut, dreams are being had, dreams of you no less. She's what you tried for this day, you've given her all you have, this road is for her. And as you continue, you begin to see why you love this journey, you couldn't see it before, you thought you'd never care, but you never gave up. It's here with her why you love, why you dream, why you laugh, it's the road. The dream was the road, the journey. You suddenly smile, look forward and relax. You put your hand next to hers, it's warm and soft. Silence. You drive on. Hands held softly forever. You never let go. This is your journey. This is your life

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

old fashioned way for an old fashioned drink

Before I begin, let me describe for you a common dialogue I've encountered quite often recently.
"hello there"
"hey, how's it going"
"what can I get for you"
"well I was thinking of having an old fashioned"
"old fashioned, for sure, that's a great cocktail"
"do you know how to make it?"

Okay so this little event probably occurs a hundred times per day all over the globe. Man or woman enters a bar, they sit, bartender says hello while offering service. Customer then proceeds to order "the" cocktail. Now when I say "the" I mean "the" as in an old fashioned is by far the most respected and talked about cocktail out there. Not to say it's the most commonly known or ordered but it certainly is the most respected. What gets me with this drink of such sublime intrigue is how so many variations have been brought about that generally most customers doubt the abilities of their current bartenders. This I find supremely fascinating in it's scope of public perception. Think about it, when we enter a bar or restaurant naturally we assume our servers, bartenders and kitchen staff have the knowledge and skills to do their respective jobs well. When I order French fries for example I'm assuming that I'll get French fries, I'm not thinking "can they make these"? "Do they know how to make them"? No, it never enters my psyche. Will my french fries differ from establishment to establishment? Sure, but by and large I accept this and know that the basic concept will be the same. Thinly cut potatoes deep fried twice, hot and crispy. Served usually salted and with some sort of side. I know this and so do you.

Now then, here's my question. Why so little trust for the old fashioned? It boggles my mind how much distrust and reluctance is shown towards myriad bartenders everywhere. Are we messing this drink up that much? What this reminds me of is a great Jerry Seinfeld stand up moment where he states that we as a society need to have one stable and constant "Wait! Stop! Do you know what you're doing here" item to question about. During his tirade Mr. Seinfeld goes off on how we generally will disobey every rule possible if allowed, yet stop short when it comes to the phrase "dry clean only" as we'll never take the wrong path here. It's as if we're saying "hey go ahead make that cosmo, I could care less if you use lemon juice or lime juice so long as it looks red I'll drink it. However, don't you dare make my old fashioned with soda".

Seriously are we this neurotic towards a cocktail, let alone one with the word "old" in it's name? Ladies! Gentlemen! I implore you to help me out here for I'm at a loss as to this bizarre calamity. I've tried to rack my head around this one and well here's my best assumption. An old fashioned cocktail for us as consumers and bar patrons represents our last purely strong and original moment where everything at one time made sense. It reminds us of our past, our grandpas, warm summer nights, firelight, men in suits, cigars and a class of superiority. And with that we've deemed an old fashioned our staple of how things were and how they should remain same. We use an old fashioned as our standard, that we can change anything but this one; it's a staple, a classic like Marlon Brando and James Deen. It exists in our consiousness a certain way and it'll never change. And with that I and thousands of other bartenders around the world will continue to feel the pressure to deliver the goods with this classic cocktail.

I for one am prepared, are you?


Ps. Here's how I make mine.

Begin with a rocks glass
1 sugar cube
1 orange peel
a couple dashes of bitters
mash and muddle until the sugar coats the entire glass

then fill glass with ice
add 2oz bourbon
add splash of water
add another orange peel
stir and garnish with a cherry

yum!!! :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Time won't save our souls

I'll be standing with your sorrow
I may never be here again
don't you feel alone
you'll never be close again

will you lay me down
will you jump with me
I want to run
I won't walk
let's dance alone
and never let them pass

I cast away this night
I return the evening to you
but I can't run
I won't walk
and I'll never let my heart stop

stay, stay, stay
am I not enough?

You try so hard to not hurt
I'll give you all that I have
i said I won't let go
I will run
I won't walk
I'm saying goodbye
as we'll never talk

nothing feels the same
who knows if I'll see you again
who knows if I'll see you again

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


You're standing there,
all alone
wondering where it will come from

that sense of an illussion
you can't escape it
it seems so cruel

but then you appear
put a hand to mine
pull me close
and whisper

"come with me"

I am now awake...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Love won't shower on anything at all

So many pieces fall away as I try for you
I can see it in your eyes
you beset your soul from mine
now I'm not sane and safe
I reach and hope you'll one day be there
bad blood feelings dwell within
don't say you're sorry
don't say anything
just be

but I know that you're confused and afraid
I don't want to be tough
I want you to not fear
come close here
I don't wanna give up tomorrow
I just can't understand why I go on
I wanna be saved
I wanna be saved

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"pardon me, but do you have any grey poupon?"

Okay so yesterday was my day off, my first in what felt like years. Typically on these days I try my damdest to be productive in some way. I want to emphasize the "try" because it doesn't always end up that way but hey at least I'm optimistic. Anyway...since I wasn't hung over I spent yesterday making and hanging some art pieces for my little castle. One of my closest friends had the priviledge of staying with me last week and well she kind of suggested I put some love and tlc into my little dwelling as to her it seemed rather empty and lacking in character. Not taking her criticsm to heart I felt compelled to do something about it.

As the day progressed the whole process actually gave me a sense of pride and joy, especially since all that was going up was of my creation. Originally I wanted to buy and put up some wicked stuff but I could never find anything I liked so I just figured fuck it I'll make my own shit. Now I'll be the first to say that I'm no artist by any stretch, I've never painted and what little drawing I've done in the past was of nothing to brag about, however, this wasn't going to deter me. I was excited to fuck up and have some fun. So then there I am last night hanging some stuff when in the distance of my neighbouring apartment I hear " she's a babe! Shwing!!! ", which could only have come from one of the best early 90's comedies ever Wayne's World. Why I'm bringing this up is this, one, I haven't seen this movie in ages and boy does it bring back some amazing memories. My favorite being my older sis and I singing Queen's "bohemian rhapsody" full tilt while driving to school. Epic!!! And secondly, how it totally captures the fun and exuberent youth culture of that time period so flawlessly. The humour and sheer comic genius of Mike Myers and Dana Carvey can't be ignored or forgotten. After hearing my neighbours quote I quickly ran to my tube box and found the show at the best point ever. I must point out how awesome that is, to turn on ones tv randomly and land on the best part of the show couldn't get any better. It's like going to the club and meeting the girl of your dreams and having her make out with you immediately. You can't plan it, you just hope for it and when it happens nothing is better.
** side note... That's actually happened to me before, thought I'd brag a little (hehe)

where was I? Oh yeah..In this case I landed on the moment where Wayne is introducing himself to Tia Carere's character after she's just kicked ass with some punk kids in the audience. His line is priceless "Rough night huh? Everybodies Kung Fu fighting!" omg!!!! Gold baby, that's gold! (now if you've never seen this movie then you might not get the awkwardness felt here, let's just say she's Asian and leave it at that). Anyways, after landing on that moment I was hooked, canvas hanging could wait, my inner juvenile wanted more. May I remind you that I'm now 30, an awkward age I must declare. You're no longer young and in your dumb 20's which is good but you're also
neither old enough to have any sense of life validation or achievement, hence limbo zone. 30 to me is the age where you wake the heck up and go "oh shit!, I better make something of myself or I'm fucked". It's weird how social pressures to being something or someone have rendered my generation a group of either over achievers who work hard or somehow luck out or a group (most of us) who under achieve miserably wherein we either give up or have babies. Lately I know so many couples having kids at merely some desperate attempt to fill their lives with something, it's like they're saying "well my life sucks, maybe if I have a kid I can make theirs better". Which I guess is a noble idea, but then there it is, you see what I mean your 30's are fucked, they either cause you to panic and freak out about how fast life is moving or how crummy your life really is.

ANYWAY..... Wayne's World is gold. I spent the rest of my night wanting and dreaming of being Wayne Campbell. From his awesome torn jeans and black t outfit to his quick comic wit, his life seemed so fun and carefree. I mean who could pass up a night of the boys singing to queen in the mirth mobile while calling Meatloaf "tiny" to having the "you're mental" Lara Flynn Boyle as my ex girlfriend. Wayne had it all, even the grey poupon and the "exsqueeze me? Baking powder?".

"Yes oh yes, it will be mine, oh yes it will"

anyways, art, red wine and Wayne, not a bad night off I must say. NOT!

Ps. To all my baby having friends out there. Kidding!!!! I love you. :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

unfinished business

If you had to deliver to someone the facts and events of your past what would you give them? One's life has so many perilous actions that choosing even a few would seem rather mute. To say the least it would require a mind unfettered by personal convictions and human judgements. I sit here in this cell contemplating these thoughts because I want others to know my story and the tragedy that it's now become. As it stands now, I have exactly 30 days to live before my execution. Fear cripples at my soul every time I think of it, to know one's day of death is a difficult thing to comprehend, let alone accept. This fear I have has helped me purify my soul and open my heart. I now understand what life truly can be when you let it exact it's purpose upon your soul. I have so many thougths pouring through my mind daily that it's made me want speak of fortunes I once squandered and troubles I once created. The subject you are about to read is my life in its entirety, frame by frame as I remember it, un edited, and full of events good and bad. I urge you to read and learn from my life, to
grow and listen to my heart as it will invariably fall into your hands. As it stands now I fully engage your hearts to understanding mine.


Samuel French
inmate 647183
october 29th, 2006

Monday, May 17, 2010

I've been there

"Very soon, I will have nothing more to say, and we will be sitting across
from each other at breakfast, completely devoid of banter; she will feel betrayed
and foolish, and I will suddenly find myself actively trying to avoid spending
time with a woman I didn't deserve to be with in the first place"

Saturday, May 15, 2010

questions remain

Whether or not you feel something or not is arbitrary
questions remain to be answered as enemy lines have been drawn
people come and go but so will I
you remember things this day and the next
but then will you do something
will you smile for me again?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


So in the end, was it worth it? Jesus Christ. How irreparably changed my life has become. It's always the last day of summer and I've been left out in the cold with no door to get back in. I'll grant you I've had more than my share of poignant moments. Life passes most people by while they're making grand plans for it. Throughout my lifetime, I've left pieces of my heart here and there. And now, there's almost not enough to stay alive. But I force a smile, knowing that my ambition far exceded my talent. There are no more white horses or pretty ladies at my door.

- George Jung -

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Ginger Man and his influence

Just finished reading one of the most fascinating books ever. Set in Dublin, Ireland J.P. Donleavy's "The Ginger Man" is a glorious novel set around one scoundrel of a protagonist. The life of Sebastian Dangerfield in this picaresque story blew me away. I was floored at how one man could devilishly destroy the lives of so many people in such a charming and oftentimes poetic manner. His life was a dream of sorts, to have the wherewithal to scam your way through so many situations was not only fascinating but in a way admirable. I'm not saying I support his lifestyle choices but to read and see this characters actions gave me pause as to what it would be like to live as he does.

More importantly this isn't the first time I've been presented with such a charged and opposite personality than my own. As a young and naive faced 20 year old I read one intriguing and very disturbing book by the acclaimed and very celebrated Brett Easton Ellis. For most of you, this authors name begins and ends with the much debated and oftentimes hated "American Psycho". Since I was such a young and innocent soul, reading about this character Patrick Bateman I was presented with something so beyond my realm of thought that it in fact captivated me to wanting to become him. Okay so try not to take that quite so literal, I'm not into killing folk but the idea and sheer madness you would need to posess such a soul brought me such intrigue.

I guess the phrase "he who is wants to be another" aptly applies here. Anyways, if you're into books of debauchery and absolute ludeness grab yourself a copy of Donleavy's finest "The Ginger Man".


Saturday, May 8, 2010

She was...

...everything I could have ever
wanted and more

I touched her
smelled her
and danced with her

blissful nights were had
dreams shared
hearts pure

our moment
will not be forgotten

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ughhh. so depressing....

Firstly I want to point out how much I love my new iPhone. Whomever the dork out there is who came up with the idea for this little bundle of adult joy truly needs to be hugged and kissed repeatedly or given some sort of oral sex, depending on which sex he or she is. I'm serious by the way. This fucking little toy blows my mind, I mean you can talk to your bud while searching for porn (hehe...if you know me y'know I'm not a
fan, but I mean come on that blip wouldn't have sounded as good had I used another example). Any who, I will admit that writing on your blog while using said toy is fun but tiresome. Where am I going with this?

Oh yeah, as my title will announce for you, I am depressed. Why? Well let me see, it's not summer just yet, I'm officially 30 and I can't hear out of my right ear (more on that in a later post). But hey those particulars are nothing compared to the article I've just read about the worlds greatest Pinot noir makers, Domaine de la Romanee Conti. Burgandies finest has proved insatiable for decades now. Producing the best Pinot imaginable. As an avid wine lover I'd always dreamt of tasting or sampling a bottle, but as I've learnt today that dream may never happen. Why? Because the shit is way more expensive than I'd originally thought, way more!

Okay so you're sitting there going," that's it, that's why you're upset, grow up" but I mean come on, this is sad, it's like learning that you, said grade 9 dork student will never ever have a chance at lacy lane the schools prettiest girl. I mean if you can't dream than what's the point in living. Okay so that might be a tad over dramatic but well you get my point.

To give you some idea of how expensive a bottle goes for think of this, a bottle of La Tache from 1990 went for a stagering 22,000 DOLLARS!!!! For ONE bottle!!!! Yikes!!! You rich french bastards, how dare you sell your wine that high, have you forgotten about the common man? Grrrrr! I do get it however, Yaletown rich pigs who drink grey goose need some expensive wines to boast to show off for
their hussy girlfriends. I get it. :)

Ah but I have a plan, I'm gonna move to France, use my french(thank you mom) and steal me some. The movie Robin Hood is coming out soon and I feel a little Russel Crowe in me. Speaking of Mr. Crowe, I actually met the guy once in Toronto. He was there filming the crap movie Cinderella man. I was out with my buddy one night at this bar called Hemingways, we were having a great time, being merry and such when all of a sudden i've gotta take a piss. Surprise, surprise!! Anyways while alone in said washroom relieving myself, in steps mr.
Crowe. Not realizing at first who'd just come in,( I was peeing so I couldn't see), when all of a sudden Russ is standing next to me with his Johnson out. Drunk as a skunk the boy peed away while babbling on and on. Standing there in such a precarious way I wasn't sure what to do, I mean how often do you get such a big celebrity right next to you all alone. Once, maybe twice in a lifetime. But how to proceed?

Before I continue I must list for you the edicate of the male urinal, especially for all you woman out there. Well it isn't a list per se but merely a guideline, keep your eyes forward or down and never ever look to your right or left. Sounds simple enough. Break these rules and you risk either seeing something very humourous or a black eye. Humourous usually happens...well at least that's what I've heard. Wink! Wink! :

Anyways so there I was, looking dead ahead trying to find a way in, what do i do? What do I do? It's my only chance! But just as I was about to Blurb out some stupid one liner, Russ jumps in and says "what's up?".

What? What? Who says that in the Jon?

Anyways, my celebrity drunkard companion finished before I did and left promptly after. So here in is my point, one I can really pee, what the hell Jamie, he started after you and finished before you! Second was my perplexed demeanour after his hello, I was at a loss, just as if I were in grade 9 and lacy lane had come in contact with me and said hi, I'd have been stunned and full of "bahhh ummm"

Anyways back to my robbery, I go in all bats styles and jump ship with a few cases. Easy peacy! Okay so I'm kidding, but it would be fun. Maybe I could piss on the grapes while I was in there. Hehe. :)

Long story short, I need to make more money!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Don't you care just enough?

I'll never be able to say goodbye
whenever someone talks of theirs
i try to pretend to not care,
to shake it off,
to shake you off.

It's been a long time,
a very long and hard fucking time.
where were you when I needed you,
when I need you now.

I dream every so often
that you never existed.

Don't you care just enough?
Don't you feel your heart stop?

I'm here, alive and well
all you have to do is find me,
say you're sorry.

All I want is for you to care
no I can't see it at all
you've missed out.
I'll never cry for you again, I'm done

Don't you care just enough??
Don't you feel your heart stop?

All I ever wanted was you
but I know you are afraid
your past is what you fear.

It's a long way down from here
you'll never forget what was yours
my dream of you is lost

Don't you care just enough?
Don't you feel your heart stop?

Will you take my hand
stand beside and run
if your heart stops will you say goodbye

will you let me pass?
Every shadow of me is you
this is the end

don't you try to explain
you can't, your frail and old
you've hit bottom

don't you care just enough?
Don't you feel your heart stop?

It's a long way out
it's a long way out

Sunday, March 28, 2010

It's a long way from her

Will you let them pass? Will you let them pass? While every shadow has been cast afar.

Well I can't run, I can't walk, not until the shoe drops and your heart stops.

Don't you try to explain all the words you've made for her.

Don't you cry to yourself......all you can do is run away.

Don't you care just enough. :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

A Few thoughts...

Firstly, I want to quickly apologize for the lack of posting, my lack of a computer has rendered me frustrated and lazy. In due time this should be fixed.

However, since I have a few minutes to spare here at said Internet cafe I thought a few thoughts of random spewage would be fun.

- If you haven't read a single word on my blog before this than I'd like to fill you in that currently I reside in Vancouver, Canada. Yes Vancouver, y'know that city hosting the current Winter Olympic Games. Now if you've never had the chance of visiting Vancouver than I highly recommend you do, the city is beautiful in so many ways. With that I want to point out how amazing it is being here as this grand spectacle transpires. These games of epic proportions have given not only myself but every red blooded Canadian a sense of pride I've never seen before. The seas of red and white flowing through this city is quite the sight. The passion, energy and vigor we Canadians have demonstrated this past week has been wonderful. I just thought I would mention this seeing as this could invariably be the only time in my life where I might have the chance to do so. Dare I say "Go Canada Go!".

- Coinsiding also with last weekends opening of the Winter Games was the NBA's annual all star extravaganza in Dallas, Texas at the massive 1 Billion dollar Cowboys Stadium. For most Canadians this celebration of the games best was a mere afterthought, rightly so I do say, but with its timing also comes the mid point of this here NBA season, one in which I've enjoyed very much. Here then are a few of my thoughts as the season winds down.

1. Kobe's injury in a way has to be a good thing for my Lakers and in a way himself as well. I love Kobe, you all know this, but as a competitor the boy is one tough s.o.b. and with that at times somewhat detrimental to his own play. His recent ankle injury though much worse than first thought, in my opinion is a blessing in disguise. In his absence, LA has played for once up to its potential as they have posted a 4-1 record in Mamba's absence. And if tonight's tough loss to Boston proves anything, this team is good and very deep. Getting their killer back in a week or so should push them back to where they need to be. I just sure hope they feel the same way.

2. Cleveland looks mighty dangerous as LBJ and company have racked up yet another stellar string of victories. This team in my opinion would win the crown right now if the finals were playing (as much as that pains me to write). They play team ball, spread the floor and are deep at almost every position.

And now they have Jamieson....yikes!!!

3. Denver is my dark horse to make the finals, they've beaten LA and now Cleveland twice. Eeek!

more later