Monday, November 29, 2010

hello there...

I was doing some digging for a story I'm working on when I came across this. It's my speech from my big sis' wedding in august 2006. Sentimental and cheesy as it may be I still love re-reading it. However, it pains me to see how bad a writer I was...yuk! Anyways, read on if you wish to barf. lol


Good evening everyone, I trust you all are having a wonderful time tonight as we celebrate the union of two very special people, Jennifer and Kelly. My name is Jamie Mah and to mark this special occasion I wanted to share with you all a few words on how Jennifer and Kelly have become a source of inspiration to me.  Being that Jennifer is my older sister let's just say I've come to know her well, she's truly a marvel, she's what I love about this world.  She's this beautiful woman who loves life, who works hard for the things she wants, who is passionate, loving and most of all focused. But what I love most about my older sister is that she knows what's important in life and that's family and the ones who mean the most to you.  And what a better way to demonstrate her passion for life than tonight.  My sister is the smartest girl in the world as she's picked the best man in the world.  Kelly you are such a wonder that being around you is somewhat awe inspiring.  You're strong, supremely intelligent, passionate and most of all loving.  However, your best quality lies souly in your love for my sister and even though I've seen you two build upon this love for 10 years now it wasn't until this past January when I really saw how much you loved my sister. On that night you sent me this honest and truly beautiful email about her.  And I quote "I love Jen and all I want is to be with her, and have a future with her. I want kids and a long life with her beside me".  Wow!! I mean that says it all, and speaking from experience any man who can handle my sister when she wants something has got to be great, I even get shivers when I hear those 3 letters together, the truly masterful "Kel".  I mean that right there is love, in it's simplest form.  Love is love people, it's that simple, you know it when you have it, you feel it, and seeing you two together this evening we've all been blessed to share in your love.  I celebrate this love and I commend you both on taking this next step in life as it's a big one, to unite this love under God in front of us all is magical, and I can only imagine how great your future together will be. With that said will you all join me in raising you glasses in toasting Jennifer and Kelly, two truly loving people.

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