Monday, May 10, 2010

The Ginger Man and his influence

Just finished reading one of the most fascinating books ever. Set in Dublin, Ireland J.P. Donleavy's "The Ginger Man" is a glorious novel set around one scoundrel of a protagonist. The life of Sebastian Dangerfield in this picaresque story blew me away. I was floored at how one man could devilishly destroy the lives of so many people in such a charming and oftentimes poetic manner. His life was a dream of sorts, to have the wherewithal to scam your way through so many situations was not only fascinating but in a way admirable. I'm not saying I support his lifestyle choices but to read and see this characters actions gave me pause as to what it would be like to live as he does.

More importantly this isn't the first time I've been presented with such a charged and opposite personality than my own. As a young and naive faced 20 year old I read one intriguing and very disturbing book by the acclaimed and very celebrated Brett Easton Ellis. For most of you, this authors name begins and ends with the much debated and oftentimes hated "American Psycho". Since I was such a young and innocent soul, reading about this character Patrick Bateman I was presented with something so beyond my realm of thought that it in fact captivated me to wanting to become him. Okay so try not to take that quite so literal, I'm not into killing folk but the idea and sheer madness you would need to posess such a soul brought me such intrigue.

I guess the phrase "he who is wants to be another" aptly applies here. Anyways, if you're into books of debauchery and absolute ludeness grab yourself a copy of Donleavy's finest "The Ginger Man".


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